Friday, June 28, 2013

Register or Restore a Hyper-V VM?

When you import a Hyper-V VM, the import wizard will ask if you want to register, restore or copy the VM. I always need to refresh my memory on whether I need to register or restore. This blog post explains the difference:

Since I make sure that the files are exactly where I want them, with the corresponding changes in the config.xml file, I usually go with the register option.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fixing a Windows 8 network issue

Recently, OneNote 2013 on my Windows 8 VHD was refusing to sync with SkyDrive. It complained that I was not connected to the internet - even though I was able to access or any web site without any issues.

The problem seemed to related to my LAN connection showing an exclamation mark and also falsely indicating that I was not connected to the internet. Restarting did not fix the problem and I'm not sure how it got into this confused state.

Here is what I did to fix that:

1. Open CMD.exe as an Admin
2. Run the following command: netsh winsock reset
3. Restart the OS

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Convert Boot-to-VHD image to Hyper-V

The following post is a useful guide on how to modify a Boot-to-VHD image to work in Hyper-V:

From the command prompt, enter the following commands:


select vdisk file=C:\<VHDFILENAME>.VHD

attach vdisk

select part 1


assign letter=Z



cd Z:\Windows\System32

BCDboot.exe Z:\Windows /s Z:\

BCDedit /store Z:\boot\BCD /set {bootmgr} device boot

BCDedit /store Z:\boot\BCD /set {default} device boot

BCDedit /store Z:\boot\BCD /set {default} osdevice boot



select vdisk file=C:\<VHDFILENAME>.VHD

detach vdisk


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fixing a disk signature collision

I purchased two WD My Passport portable external hard drives recently. When I connected both of them to my computer, only one would show up as a drive.

Looking in Computer Management > Storage > Disk Management, the 2nd drive was shown as offline due to a signature collision. These are the steps I used to fix this problem.

  1. Open DISKPART from the Windows Run command (WIN+R)
  2. Enter the following commands:
  3. list disk
  4. select disk N
    Where N is the # of the offline disk
  5. uniqueid disk
    This will display the unique ID of the disk
  6. online disk
  7. uniqueid disk
    This will display the new unique ID of the disk
  8. exit

Friday, February 08, 2013

Problems with Windows 8 Store Apps stuck on pending?

I recently had a problem with updating apps from the Windows Store on a new laptop. They would end up stuck in a Pending state. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app but they still ended up in the same Pending state.

I resolved the problem using the following steps:

  1. Open a Command Prompt as an Administrator
    (Go to the Start screen, type "cmd", right-click on Command Prompt and hit "Run as administrator")

  2. Run the following four commands in the command prompt:

    net stop wuauserv
    cd %systemroot%
    ren SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    net start wuauserv

  3. Retry installing the Apps/Updates again.